About this event
A free class for nursing home professionals given by the Senior LinkAge Line, Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging.
Preadmission Screening (PAS) and Return to Community (RTC) are two important services of the Senior LinkAge Line®. If you are a nursing facility professional and want to learn more or want a chance to ask questions about these services, attend one of our upcoming educational sessions.
PAS: State and federal laws require a preadmission screening be completed before a person can admit to a Medical Assistance-certified nursing facility. Learn more about the OBRA Level II criteria, follow-up calls and an overview of PAS information.
RTC: This service helps older adults return to a community setting after a nursing home stay. RTC can also help people living at home who are at risk of losing their independence. Learn how this service can help older adults live and thrive in the setting of their choice.
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