Entries by Erica Schott

Interfaith Caregivers Homemaker/Chore Program

Interfaith Caregivers (IFC) is a network of friends and volunteers in Faribault County that organized as a non-profit entity in 1997. The philosophy of IFC is deeply rooted in the belief that every person has a fundamental right to life and to the necessities of life. They believe each person is to be treated justly, with dignity and respect and should have the ability to make their own decisions.

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Strategic Planning

As a result of the strategic planning process, MNRAAA has a new mission statement: “The Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging provides advocacy, information, resources, and assistance so that older adults can maintain the lifestyle of their choice”.

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Age-Friendly Community Building Project

In 2017, MNRAAA applied for and was awarded an Age-Friendly Community Building Project grant through the Southwest Initiative Foundation. The grant was to provide opportunities for two communities in the MNRAAA service area to engage in an age-friendly community building process. The goal of the process was to identify the communities’ age-friendly assets and desired assets.

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