MNRAAA Announces Two New Members to the Board of Directors

The Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging, Inc. (MNRAAA) is pleased to announce two new members to the Board of Directors. Sheila Westfield and Stacy Hammer have been appointed to serve on the MNRAAA Board of Directors effective January 1, 2022.

Sheila Westfield of Trosky currently works as the Director of Nursing and Clinical Services at Sanford-Luverne Medical Center. Westfield is active in her community as she has served as Scoutmaster for Troop 220 Pipestone Boy Scouts of America and coordinates or leads church music. A graduate of South Dakota State University, Westfield stated that her interest in joining the board is twofold: raise awareness of services available in the area and assist in filling gaps in services in the Pipestone, Rock County areas, specifically transportation and mental health.

“In visiting with Sheila, her passion in caring for others shines through and gives a boost in our mission. Her knowledge and personal and professional experience with the current struggles that caregivers face gives our organization a unique perspective as we continue to navigate the changing aging network,” stated Jason W. Swanson, Executive Director of MNRAAA.

Stacy Hammer of Redwood Falls is currently employed with the Lower Sioux Indian Community and serves as the Director of Community Health. She has been taking the lead in guiding the community through the COIVD-19 pandemic. Hammer is also the Title VI Director and a Registered Dietitian. The Minnesota State University Mankato graduate has been awarded the 2019 Indian Health Services Area Directors Outstanding Tribal Health Employee Award and has been featured in the magazine Circle in an article called “Lower Sioux Healthy Meals – a model.”

“Stacy brings experience with the Older Americans Act (OAA) in working with the Title VI program. I look forward to working with her on how we can bridge services in Title III and Title VI programs under the OAA.”  commented Swanson.

“MNRAAA is excited to have Sheila and Stacy join the Board of Directors. They each bring personal and professional experiences and the passion to innovate to assist older adults to thrive,”  noted Robert Roesler, Board Chair for MNRAAA.

The MNRAAA Board of Directors, which feature professionals from the twenty-seven-county area, ranging from a retired hospital administrator to a registered nurse, is a volunteer governing board. For more information or if you are interested, please visit our website at

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MNRAAA Recognizes Candace Fenske

Photo of Candace Fenske

The Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging, Inc. (MNRAAA) announces that Candace Fenske has completed her service to the Board of Directors.

Candace Fenske, a former Hospital Administrator at Madelia Community Hospital, has fulfilled her term as a member of the Board of Directors for MNRAAA. During her six years on the Board, Fenske has served as the Finance Committee Chair and Treasurer.

“Her leadership has been invaluable as we have gone through a transition in the Executive Director position and the COVID-19 pandemic,” stated Jason W. Swanson, Executive Director of MNRAAA.

“Fenske has been a strong advocate for older adults in rural Minnesota, and her passion continues to inspire,” remarked Robert Roesler, MNRAAA’s Board Chair.

During her tenure on the Board of Directors, Fenske was instrumental in guiding the organization in becoming an independent non-profit agency encompassing twenty-seven counties in the Southwest Planning and Service Area. Fenske also assisted during the transition to a new Executive Director in 2019.

The MNRAAA Board of Directors, which feature professionals from the twenty-seven-county area, ranging from a retired educator to a registered nurse, is a volunteer governing board. For more information or if you are interested in learning more about MNRAAA, please visit our website at

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MNRAAA Announces New Board of Directors

March 18, 2021 – The Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging, Inc. (MNRAAA) is pleased to announce two new members to their Board of Directors, Kathleen Preuss and Pam Radunz.

Kathleen Preuss is a member and resident of the Upper Sioux Community Dakota Tribe of Minnesota and a member of the Sisseton Wahpeton Tribe of South Dakota. Preuss is currently the Social Service Director at the Upper Sioux Community and has previously worked as a police officer and has worked with ClearWay of Minnesota. She has been a volunteer with Hurt No More Children’s Program, PATHWAYS Sexual Assault Program and PACT for Families.

When asked about her area of concern relating to older adults, Preuss stated that she wants to ensure “needs are being met in a culturally sensitive manner.” Preuss has started an adult language class in hopes of keeping the Native Dakota language alive.

Pam Radunz is the Resident Services Director at Harmony River Living Center and is a resident of Hutchinson. Radunz holds a Master of Science in Gerontology from Saint Cloud State University, a certified Independent Trainer for Dementia through Positive Approach, LLC, and a certified Teepa Snow trainer on Dementia. She has been an integral part of numerous committees, such as, Well Being at Work Wellness (consortium for McLeod, Meeker, and Sibley Counties), Meeker County Fair Board, Meeker Area Care Connections, and McLeod County Senior Providers.

“I have a passion for older people that I have grown and developed all my life,” said Radunz when asked why she was interested in joining MNRAAA.

“MNRAAA is fortunate to have such talented, motivated and caring individuals in our area to serve on our board. Kat and Pam both bring unique experiences that will assist us in shaping our future efforts around aging,” stated Jason W. Swanson, Executive Director.

“As the MNRAAA Board of Directors fills two vacancies due to retirements from the board, we are so very pleased to announce the addition of our two newest members. The MNRAAA board is well positioned to continue to support programs focused on the support of all older adults in Southwestern Minnesota,” stated Robert Roesler, Board Chair.

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MNRAAA Announces New Member to Board of Directors

The Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging (MNRAAA) is excited to announce a new addition to their Board of Directors, Kellian Clink.

Kellian Clink, of Mankato, currently serves as a Professor at Minnesota State University-Mankato within the library and has been an active member on campus and in her communities. She has experience volunteering with hospice and at the Connections Ministry. Ms. Clink also works with the Blue Earth County Social Services Task Force and acts as a liaison between the student government and the faculty association. A member of the American Library Association and the Minnesota Library Association, Ms. Clink has received awards from Minnesota State University-Mankato and the Being a Difference Award from the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy Center for the Public Trust.

When asked why she was interested in serving with MNRAAA, she responded with, “As with other marginalized populations, it is hard to get it right. Is it hard to age? Yes! Is there much to celebrate in aging? Yes. What are the struggles? How do we, as a community, respond to the needs? With strong listening and research skills, concern and sensitivity, we can discern the needs, celebrate the triumphs and lived experiences and make our community the best place to age!”

“Absolutely delighted to begin working with Kellian Clink as she begins her journey on the Board of Directors. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and she brings a wealth of knowledge from her volunteer role and her university role,” stated Jason W. Swanson, Executive Director.

“The MNRAAA Board of Directors is fortunate to add another member with the qualifications that Kellian Clink has. We look forward to her contributions to our board in the future,” stated Robert Roesler, Board Chair.

Ms. Clink joins the MNRAAA Board of Directors, which feature professionals from the twenty-seven-county area, ranging from a retired hospital administrator to a registered nurse. 

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