Minnesota Voter Information
November 5, 2019 is Election Day!
Not every community has an election this year but many Minnesota voters do have school district, county commissioner, municipal and special elections on their ballots. Check to see if your community is having an election and what will be on your ballot using the Polling Place Finder tool at pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us.
Early voting in communities with elections continues until November 4. Minnesota has “no excuse” absentee voting, which means that you can vote absentee for any reason! Request your ballot by mail or in person at an early voting location in your county. If you live in a nursing home, assisted living facility or are unable to go to your polling place due to an incapacitating health reason or disability you may designate someone to pick up and deliver your absentee ballot for you, which is called “agent delivery.”
Do you have an election in your community but are unsure if you’re already registered to vote? Check your voter registration status at mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us.VoterStatus.aspx. If you need to register to vote you can do so on Election Day at your polling place. Just remember to check the proof of residence requirements beforehand. To vote in Minnesota you must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old on Election Day, lived in Minnesota for 20 days, and completed all parts of a felony sentence.
If you need assistance with voting, there are many ways to get help. You can bring someone to help, ask an election judge, use a machine to help you mark your ballot or even vote from your car.