MNRAAA Theory of Change

Linda Giersdorf, Executive Director

Are you familiar with Theory of Change? Has your agency or organization developed one? Through a grant from the Southwest Initiative Foundation, MNRAAA engaged Aurora Consulting to lead MNRAAA through the development of its Theory of Change. Aurora Consulting defined Theory of Change as “an organization’s story of how and why the world will be different because of what it does. It’s a map that shows how your organization creates change”.

Through the leadership of Aurora Consulting, MNRAAA clarified its purpose, defined its organizational outcomes and connections between them, created a foundation for strategic planning and evaluation, and developed a tool to more effectively communicate with internal and external stakeholders.

Our theory of change shows the change we hope to make in Southwest Minnesota.

At MNRAAA, our work helps older adults thrive in Southwest Minnesota. We believe that older adults thrive when they are able to maintain the lifestyle of their choice.

We want adults to have choices as they age. Older adults who are prepared for long-term care costs; who are safe from exploitation; and who have caregivers in their lives have more choices for how they wish to live.

MNRAAA is the gateway to resources for older adults, caregivers and service providers in the twenty-seven counties of southwest Minnesota. We strive to ensure that services are available for older adults and caregivers by helping our communities and providers access resources. We also provide information and assistance to help adults find and use those services.

Thanks to the Southwest Initiative Foundation and Aurora Consulting for supporting our efforts to develop a Theory of Change and for laying a foundation for our Strategic Planning work that will begin in May.

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