Supporting Aging and Caregiving in the Workplace
Did you know that according to a study by Harvard Business School, three of four employees are a caregiver of a child, parent, neighbor or friend? These numbers were projected to grow before the COVID-19 pandemic and will likely continue to do so afterward.
Program Development staff have a goal to reach employers with beneficial information because 75% of employees are caregivers. Also, before Covid-19, one-third of employees left their job because of caregiving responsibilities. Caregivers with supportive employers are more productive and more likely to stay, helping to alleviate the expense of recruiting and training newly hired staff.
We are reaching out to employers in our region to share strategies and resources for embracing and adapting to workforce trends and challenges. Our goal is to assist employers to keep skilled employees and boost productivity by providing targeted support to older employees and working caregivers.
We’ve developed a presentation available called “Workforce Trends: Aging and Caregiving in the Workplace” that is available to employers. The presentation can also be delivered virtually.
At MNRAAA, we also have presentations to aide employees such as Dementia Friends, How to Plan and Pay for Long-Term Care and Welcome to Medicare. Presentations are free of charge and can be modified to meet each employer’s time frame. Contact Krista Eichhorst at [email protected] for more information.