November is National Family Caregivers Month

November is National Family Caregivers Month. This month we honor and recognize the many people in our communities who care for older adults. Caretakers could be family, friends and even […]

MNRAAA Board Appoints New Members

Two new appointments were made to the Board of Directors. Jane Baldwin, RN is from Madison and is employed at the Appleton Hospital and Clinic. Candace Fenske is from Madelia […]


Dear Readers, The fall edition of MNRAAA News is now available! I encourage you to read the entire edition as it is filled with updates, as well as upcoming events. […]

The Sandwich Generation Survival Guide

Caring for an elderly parent while raising children can sometimes be overwhelming. To help “the sandwich generation,” the Minnesota Board on Aging and the Area Agencies on Aging have partnered […]

Apply for a Live Well at Home Grant

The Request for Proposal for the 2016-17 Live Well at Home grant proposal is now on line. Responders conference is scheduled for April 7th.  Application due date is April 22nd. Purpose: […]

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Crime and Older People

Older people and their families worry about crime.  Though older people are less likely to be victims of crime than teenagers and young adults, the number of crimes against older […]

June is Dairy Month

Are you increasingly concerned about your bone health?  You should be.  It is estimated that 10 million Americans currently suffer from osteoporosis, a debilitating condition that commonly results in weakened […]

Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Some change in memory is normal as we grow older, but the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are more than simple lapses in memory.  People with Alzheimer’s experience difficulties in communicating, learning, thinking […]

Exercise for Better Brain Function

Older people who exercise regularly are more likely to maintain brain function used for everyday tasks like following a recipe and keeping the pills they take straight. A study by […]