Entries by Erica Schott

Spring Senior LinkAge Line® Outreach

Spring is the time of year that we can say good bye to cold dark winter and hello to those warm sunny spring days. This is also the time of year that our Senior LinkAge Line® staff and volunteers like to focus on community outreach. People look forward to getting out and enjoying various community events. I have heard some describe the free services provided by the Senior LinkAge Line® as the best kept secret in the state of Minnesota. These events give us an opportunity to share how we can help older adults and their families. Below is a sampling of events we will be hosting or attending this spring:

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MNRAAA Theory of Change

Are you familiar with Theory of Change? Has your agency or organization developed one? Through a grant from the Southwest Initiative Foundation, MNRAAA engaged Aurora Consulting to lead MNRAAA through the development of its Theory of Change. Aurora Consulting defined Theory of Change as “an organization’s story of how and why the world will be different because of what it does. It’s a map that shows how your organization creates change”.

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Heritage, Happiness & Hope – East African Elder Healthy Aging Event

Outreach is a wonderful way to become better connected with the different cultures and people who call Minnesota their home.
MNRAAA and the Senior LinkAge Line® outreach staff recently partnered with Abdi Matan of HAARAN (Helping the Displaced Reach a Better Life) in St. Peter to host a “Heritage, Happiness and Hope” outreach event at the St. Peter Community Center.

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