Entries by Erica Schott

Dementia Friends

Dementia Friends is a global movement that is changing the way people think, act, and talk about dementia. Developed by the Alzheimer’s Society in the United Kingdom, the Dementia Friends initiative is underway in Minnesota. By helping everyone in a community understand what dementia is and how it affects people, each of us can make a difference for people touched by dementia.
Since the launch of Dementia Friends Minnesota in September 2016, nearly 7,500 Minnesotans are now proudly calling themselves Dementia Friends. The program is a social action movement to create more dementia friendly communities by changing the way people think, act, and talk about dementia.

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How Prepared Are We for a Permanently Older Society?

The Minnesota Board on Aging, in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Human Services, is looking ahead to the year 2030, and here’s why:
– In the years between 2010 and 2030, 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 every day!
– Only 5% of the older adult population lives in long-term care facilities. The other 95% are either living independently or are being cared for by family members, neighbors or community-based agencies.
– 2030 marks the year baby boomers begin turning 85!

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